Prescription of debt

Prescription of debt

Prescription of debt Prescribed debt can be described as debt that has not been acknowledged over a period of 3 years (with exceptions) and has therefore expired. This sounds quite straightforward, but there are rules and regulations that need to be understood....
Debt Review vs Debt Consolidation

Debt Review vs Debt Consolidation

Debt Review vs Debt Consolidation Unfortunately with the current economic climate, many South Africans struggle to manage and repay their debt. Debt review and debt consolidation are options that may be considered to help ease the burden. Though it may sound like the...
What is a Trust?

What is a Trust?

What is a Trust? A trust is an entity created by an individual, the founder, in terms of which assets are transferred to the trust for the benefit of its nominated beneficiaries. Trust assets are managed by trustees. Trust assets are accumulated and held in its own...
The role of the Small Claims Court

The role of the Small Claims Court

The role of the Small Claims Court The Small Claims Court exists to make justice more accessible and less expensive. It also provides for an expedited process where the size of the claim does not warrant expensive and drawn out litigation. Claims not amounting to more...
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